Summer Driving Safety Tips
Staying safe on the roadways of New Orleans is important. Whether you are single or have a family, you want to drive safely when you are on road trips or driving around town. During the summer months, travel is much more frequent as people go on family trips, weekend getaways, vacations or just spend more time outside traveling due to the nicer weather. Because more drivers are on the roadways, the percentage of accidents increases. Drivers need to learn how to stay safe by checking these driving safety tips.
One of the easiest ways to stay safe while driving is to check your tires. The tires of the vehicle play a vital role in keeping you and your family safe on the road. Many drivers have no idea that the tires they use are going bald, which can lead to accidents and injury. During the summer months, tire safety is very important, especially with temperatures increasing, the road surface will be hotter. Temperatures can easily increase to 200 degrees or more on the road which can lead to damaged tires. A bald tire, one that is worn down to basically no tread, or an underinflated tire can be affected by extreme road conditions such as heat during the summer leading to an accident.

Driving Safety Tips: Taking Care of Your Vehicle Tires
It is recommended that you take a short amount of time each month to review your tires, and other driving safety tips. Attention should be placed on your tires again before you leave for a long driving trip. The tires need to be inspected, including the spare. Tires should be checked for pressure, ensuring the right amount of air is present. With low inflation, unnecessary stress can be placed on the tires which can lead to wear and tear. Loss of vehicle control can take place which can lead to a serious car accident. Tire rotation is also important. Tires should be rotated on a regular basis to create uniform wear on the tire treads. With even wear, the life of your tires will be extended. In most cases, tires should be rotated every 5,000 miles. This service is usually completed during an oil change. Additionally, the tread of tires is what helps to grip the road when driving. During the summer, extreme temperatures can cause issue and you want to have a good tread on your tires to avoid any problems. You should be able to look at your tires and visually tell if the tread has worn down. If so, the tires will need to be replaced.
The alignment of your car is also important. When the car is out of line, the tires will wear unevenly. This can lead to difficulty in handling the car or truck. The alignment should be checked by a dealer and repaired when needed.
When traveling during the summer, be sure to make your tire checks regularly. Avoid any unwanted accidents and the need for a New Orleans personal injury attorney by doing your due diligence and following these driving safety tips!
Did a Tire Blowout Result in an Accident or Injury?
When traveling on the roadway, there are many reasons that an auto collision can occur. From distracted driving to drunk drivers, accidents can occur due to the negligence of others at any time. One risk factor that many do not consider is defective tires. At Cueria Law Firm, we know that tires can be defective and cause accidents. For drivers, they know that their tires are going to get them from here to there but forget that the tires might not always be reliable. Regular maintenance is a must, but sometimes, tires are defective and will cause an accident no matter how well taken care of.

Did a Tire Blowout Cause A Car Crash and Injury?
Thousands of car crashes happen every year due to tire blowouts. When a tire blowout occurs, the tire will lose air quickly and in an explosive manner. The driver can lose control of the vehicle and an accident can occur. Rollovers can take place as well as the vehicle moving into the oncoming lane of traffic. Single vehicle accidents and multi-vehicle incidents can be attributed to a tire blowout. Passengers and the drivers, as well as any individuals passing by on foot or bicycle, can be harmed.
If the tire blowout occurred due to a defective tire, you may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer. The retailer or distributor may also be held liable depending on your individual situation. With the help of our New Orleans personal injury law firm, we can review your legal options and determine the best way to recover compensation.
How Dangerous Defects Cause Tire Blowouts
In the United States, millions of tires have been recalled within the past ten years. Even the most reputable companies will experience a recall of tires due to defective design. Common design flaws can include issues with tread separation which can lead to a tire blowout. Tires are created with several layers so that the tires can function properly. When the layers stick to each other, the tire is defective as the tread can separate during operation of the vehicle.
Manufacturers of tires must use quality materials for the construction of the tires, so they will work well for consumers. The driver is put at risk when substandard materials are used. Mechanics also must be reliable when installing tires. If the wrong tires are used or the tires are installed incorrectly, it can lead to an accident. Low pressure is also an issue. Drivers must remain responsible and keep tire pressure at the proper levels in order to avoid an accident.
Causes of Tire Blowouts and How to Prevent Them
Tire blowouts can occur for a number of reasons. Improper maintenance, tire defects, poor road conditions and overloaded trailers are contributing factors. Blowouts are often unpreventable but there are steps drivers can take to ensure safety on the roadways. This includes checking tires regularly for visible damage, cuts or cracks in the rubber, bulges due to damage inside the tire and breaks in the fabric. If you experience a tire blowout, keep calm. Slowly take your foot off the gas instead of slamming on your brakes. Coast away from traffic, and try to stop on the shoulder of the road. Turn on emergency flashers until help can arrive. Remove yourself from the vehicle if possible, and stand far away to ensure safety until help arrives.