Car accidents are traumatic events. Even minor crashes can lead to injuries, expensive medical bills, and property damage. A severe accident can change your life, and it may take you months or years to physically, emotionally, and financially recover.

If you’ve been in an accident through no fault of your own, you deserve compensation. If that accident was with a Lyft driver, there are a few things you’ll need to know. A New Orleans Lyft accident lawyer can help you understand your options and how to move forward. 

Our New Orleans rideshare accident lawyers at the Cueria Law Firm have recovered millions of dollars in compensation and awards. We advocate for accident victims like you. Contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can help.

Will Lyft Pay My Expenses After an Accident?

Lyft might fully pay for your expenses. They are a reputable company with a robust insurance policy, paying up to $1 million in certain cases. However, whether their insurance applies to your case will depend on certain factors, such as whether the driver had their Lyft app turned on

Contact a New Orleans car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. We can explain the complexities of your case and determine fair compensation. Then, we can deal with Lyft and their insurance company on your behalf. 

Insurance companies are usually interested in getting their clients out of trouble for as little as possible. Without the eye of an experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyer, you may struggle to understand whether the money they are offering you is fair or not.  

What Is a Lyft Accident Claim Worth?

No attorney can advise you on how much your case may be worth without doing a thorough investigation. While every case is different, here are a few of the factors that will play a role in your settlement:

How a New Orleans Lyft Accident Lawyer Can Help

Even though Lyft is a solid company, there are still good reasons why you need an attorney after a rideshare accident. A number of factors will determine how your New Orleans Lyft accident attorney approaches your case. 

While no two situations are the same, here are a few things you can expect if you work with the Cueria Law Firm.

When you talk with us during your initial consultation, we are going to have a lot of questions. We want to know what happened and how it has affected you so we can give you the best possible legal advice.

We hope you’ll have questions for us as well. If we agree that you have a case and that we will represent you, open and honest communication is the key to success. However, if we don’t think you have a case or that we are the right firm for you, we’ll be honest about that, as well. 

Investigate Your Case

If we agree to move forward, we’ll thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident. We may review police reports, examine the scene, or interview witnesses. Any records or documentation you can provide can help with our investigation. 

We must understand how the accident unfolded so we can properly identify the responsible parties. For example, if the Lyft driver was not signed in at the time of the crash, your claim would be with their personal insurance, not Lyft’s. 

Assess Your Compensation Amount

Once we identify the at-fault parties, we’ll calculate a fair settlement amount that meets your needs. We may examine your bills and invoices, medical records, pay stubs showing lost work hours, and any other invoices showing your expenses.

We may ask you to consult with additional experts who can help us fully understand your medical situation. Remember that your compensatory damages also consider any costs you may incur in the future as a result of your accident. 

Negotiate With the Insurance Company

Your Lyft accident lawyer in New Orleans will deal with the insurance company on your behalf and negotiate for a fair settlement. 

Our goal is maximum compensation for your economic damages. In some cases, we can recover non-economic damages such as pain and suffering

Represent You in Court

We prefer to settle your case at the negotiating table. You have already been through enough; you don’t need the stress and hassle of a civil trial. However, if the insurance company isn’t willing to offer a fair number, we’ll take it to the next level.

We can file a civil suit on your behalf and fight for the amount you deserve in court.

Contact a Lyft Accident Lawyer in New Orleans

It only takes an instant for a reckless driver to ruin your life. Your health, your finances, and your income are suddenly in jeopardy through no fault of your own. Accidents happen, but it is only fair that the person responsible makes things right.

Unfortunately, their insurance company may not see it that way, which is where a skilled Lyft accident lawyer in New Orleans can help. We’ll go to bat for you and fight for the money you need to pay your bills, take care of your family, and begin to get your life back on track. 

Since 1993, the Cueria Law Firm has represented car accident victims like you. We will fight to get you a settlement that can actually make a difference in your life. Contact us today to find out how.