Talcum Powder Lawsuits
Talcum powder has been a household staple for many years, but concerns about the long-term use of talcum powder began in the 1970s. Talcum powder consists mostly of talc and is commonly used in baby powder, facial powder, cosmetics, and other personal care items.
Talc is so prevalently used because it helps absorb moisture and can be used to reduce chafing.
The concern over talcum-based products used to be because they contained asbestos. Talc products no longer contain asbestos, but when used in the perineal area they may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
Long-term use of talc products can cause ovarian cancer because the talc is not able to break down in the body and causes irritation that can increase the risk of getting ovarian cancer.
Common Products That Contain Talcum Powder
Some commonly used personal products that may include talcum powder includes:
- Condoms
- Tampons
- Diaphragm
- Feminine Washes
- Sanitary napkins
- Baby Powder
- Body Powder
- Vaginal Deodorants
Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder Cases
Johnson & Johnson has been a central defendant in cases about talcum powder products, because they are the leading manufacturer of talcum powder products and a variety of genital deodorant sprays, body powders, and baby powders. Reuters reported that Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that it had possible cancer causing ingredients in their products.
The first talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit was in 2013 against Johnson & Johnson found the company liable for fraud, negligence and conspiracy after attorneys argued the company was aware of the dangers of talc yet did nothing to inform consumers. This case involved Johnson and Johnson’s Shower-to-Shower Absorbent Baby Powder and a woman that had used the powder regularly for 30 years. No damages were awarded because the plaintiff was not seeking damages and turned down the settlement agreement before trial because she did not want to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Two cases with large damages awards were decided in 2016. In the first case $72 million was awarded for a wrongful death claim. Then, a few months later, a jury awarded another woman $55 million in damages. Johnson and Johnson no longer sells talc-based products in North America, but they have not said it was a result of the ongoing litigation they are facing over the talcum powders.
Who Can Bring a Talcum Powder Lawsuit in Louisiana?
Johnson & Johnson has been a trusted household name across the country. Unfortunately, that means the issues presented by talcum powder products have not spared the women of Louisiana.
An experienced personal injury attorney may be appropriate if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is someone with a history of using talc-based products or powders before the diagnosis. The most likely suit that one would bring in this case is a product liability talcum powder lawsuit for causing ovarian cancer.
Statute of Limitations in Louisiana
Every lawsuit is governed by the statute of limitations surrounding the claim. The statute of limitations, known as the “prescriptive period” in Louisiana, governs the amount of time available in which to file a lawsuit. In Louisiana, for this type of case, the prescriptive period is within one year of the date on which the injury occurs. The prescriptive period could commence at many points in a talc-related ovarian cancer case. The time period could start when you find out that there are talc fibers in your ovarian tissue, when the FDA puts a recall out on talc-based products or even when the FDA issues a warning associating talcum powder with the risk of ovarian cancer.
An attorney would be best suited to help you determine where your case begins and if the statute of limitations has run out. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer as a result of talcum-based product use, you should immediately contact an attorney who is experienced in handling these types of cases. Talcum product litigation is complicated, and you need an attorney you can trust to help you navigate your case. Contact the team at the Cueria Law Firm today for a free consultation at (504) 525-5211

Identifying Ovarian Cancer
It can be difficult to identify cancer without speaking with a doctor first. Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries and remains there in the early stages. When it is confined to the ovaries, it is more likely to be treated successfully. Early-stage ovarian cancer rarely causes any symptoms, and advanced-stage ovarian cancer is usually mistaken for another benign condition. However, it is most often detected when it has spread within the pelvis and abdomen. Many symptoms will not be able to be confirmed as ovarian cancer without a biopsy of the ovary and/or the tissue surrounding the ovaries.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer can include:
- Abdominal bloating or swelling
- Quickly feeling full when eating
- Weight loss
- Discomfort in the pelvis area
- Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
- A frequent need to urinate
Contact Us
The Cueria Law Firm is standing by to help you with your case. Fill out the form below to get a free case evaluation or call our office today to speak with our experienced team of Louisiana legal professionals. The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can begin to work on getting you the compensation that you deserve.
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Pursuing A Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Cancer is a disease that has left few families and friends untouched. For many, it is hard to pinpoint the source of a cancer diagnosis. However, if you or a loved one suffers from ovarian cancer, there may be an answer to the cause.
Starting in the 1970s, studies began linking the use of talc powder to ovarian cancer. More than twenty different studies have found this same connection, and a review of those studies found that women using talc powder are 33% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Johnson and Johnson has been the main target of litigation involving talc powder, because it is alleged that they have known of the risks talc products created for years and failed to warn the public.
It has also been alleged that some of Johnson and Johnson’s talc products contained asbestos, and they tried to keep this information from the public as well. Johnson and Johnson now claim their products no longer contain asbestos and starting in 2020, they no longer sell their talc products in North America.
Risk Factors for Talcum Powder-Linked Ovarian Cancer
There are two factors that make it more likely that you or your loved ones’ ovarian cancer is a result of a talc-based product injury. You are more at risk if:
- you have used talcum powder products for an extensive period of time and/or
- you have used talcum powder products for intimate hygiene.
Since talc cannot break down inside the body, when it is used in the genital area and absorbed, the talc fibers can embed themselves in the tissue of the ovaries or the surrounding tissue. This causes inflammation and irritation of the tissue allowing tumors to form that may be cancerous. Many studies have been done in order to link talcum powder products to ovarian cancer dating back to the early 1970s. Much of this research has made the link clear between talcum powder products used in the genital area and ovarian cancer because they have found talc fibers embedded in the tumors.
Research also suggests that women using talcum powder products in this way while ovulating are at a 92% increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. The use of talcum powder products near the genitals has also been recognized as a risk factor for ovarian cancer by both the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society. Companies like Johnson and Johnson have still failed to label their products to indicate such a risk.
Gather Medical History
If you believe you or a loved one has suffered ovarian cancer as a result of companies like Johnson and Johnson failing to warn you of the risk, you should reach out to an attorney and begin gathering your medical records. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, then the tumor was likely biopsied. This biopsy can indicate whether or not the tumor contained talc fibers.
There are three types of ovarian cancer: epithelial tumors, stromal tumors and germ cell tumors. Each of these types of ovarian cancer begins in a different type of cell. Epithelial tumors are the most common type of ovarian cancer and begin in the thin layer of tissue that covers the outside of the ovaries. Stromal tumors begin in the ovarian tissue that contains hormone-producing cells and can usually be diagnosed earlier. Germ cell tumors begin in the egg-producing cells, are rare, and tend to occur in younger women. Depending on what type of ovarian cancer you or your loved one has been diagnosed with you should consult with your doctor to review your biopsy and request those medical records. When you have contacted an attorney they can advise you as to the best steps going forward and any other information they may need.
One of the main reasons talcum powder is so dangerous is because talc, as a mineral, comes in contact with asbestos, which is known to cause cancer and mesothelioma. If you or your loved one are not a long time user of talcum products in the perineal area but still developed cancer or mesothelioma, you should also contact an attorney. Cancer or mesothelioma can develop from using industrial talc products like clay, chalk, paper, crayons, pottery, joint compounds and adhesives.
Talcum Powder Lawsuits
Talcum powder lawsuits have been gaining momentum all across the country for the past decade almost. One of the biggest barriers to these suits is the statute of limitations, which is the allowed amount of time that has passed since the injury which restricts when the suit may be filed. An attorney can further advise you as to if the statute of limitations has expired, but there have been many successful lawsuits based on the link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer.
Companies and Products Named in Lawsuits
Johnson and Johnson has been the most prevalent company in these lawsuits, but they are not alone. The companies and their products that have been named in these ovarian cancer suits include:
- Johnson’s Baby Powder
- Johnson’s Shower to Shower
- Gold Bond No Mess Power Spray
- Gold Bond Body Powder
- Gold Bond Extra Strength Body Powder
Successful Lawsuits
The majority of lawsuits linking talcum powder and ovarian cancer have been brought by individual plaintiffs. Some plaintiffs have recovered anywhere from $29 million to $72 million in damages from Johnson and Johnson. The first major lawsuit in this area was in 2013 when a woman said Johnson and Johnson should have warned about the link between the risk of developing ovarian cancer and using talcum powder products in the genital area. This was a successful lawsuit because there was a study in 1982 that found that women using these products as hygienic powders were at a 92 percent increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. The lawsuit alleged that Johnson and Johnson knew about the study and still had not warned the public of the risk by 2013, and a jury ruled against Johnson and Johnson.
The majority of these cases have been based on Johnson and Johnson’s failure to warn the public of the risk of using talc-based products. These lawsuits are mainly about recovering damages for things like medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and sometimes funeral expenses. The most successful cases have been women that could say they used talcum powder products for about 30 years. However, one woman that had been diagnosed with endometriosis, and was already more likely to develop ovarian cancer, was still able to recover millions because her use of the talcum powder products increased her risk of developing ovarian cancer.
There are thousands of cases pending before courts all over the country and many plaintiffs have reached settlements or received jury awards for their damages related to talcum powder and ovarian cancer. Some other successful cases have claimed that Johnson and Johnson’s talc contained asbestos causing cancer in the plaintiff. Asbestos is known to cause cancer, but the majority of cases have relied on the talc itself causing ovarian cancer in women.
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